323 S. 5th Ave
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Mission and Service is a passionate value within the Moravian Church.
Volunteer Mission Philosophy: The purpose of Moravian work crew mission ventures is to share and show God’s love for all people in a direct and tangible way. We do so in cooperation with our brothers and sisters within the worldwide unity in response to specific requests. Following Christ’s example we seek to serve rather than be served (Mark 10:45). All God’s people have been given various gifts to be witnesses to the love of Jesus Christ in the world. Therefore, we invite Christians to participate as God calls and enables.
Moravians locally have created many ecumenical ministries and services including our congregational quilting group, Cloth and Feed My People, , PATH and we were deeply involved in creating Door County Habitat for Humanity. The Sturgeon Bay congregation continues to be deeply involved in all of these initiatives as well as many other partnerships throughout Door County.
4Th Ave Garden
A decade ago the church acquired the Popour home on 4th Ave and planted a garden there which was initially used to provide fresh produce to the Loaves and Fishes Community meal program. As the need for that passed the garden went unplanted for several seasons until some volunteers from the neighborhood offered to plant it to give out free produce to the neighborhood. In 2020 the congregation stepped back in with major support and volunteers to maximize the garden for our neighborhood in the pandemic. Each year the garden is planted and tended by volunteers and all of what is grown is given away.
Blessing Box
In 2019 the congregation installed a blessing box at the garden. This is a simple ministry where those in need can find canned and dried goods. The box is filled by those wishing to donate to those in need. During the pandemic the blessing box ended up being a place where folks could always find toilet paper, masks, hand sanitizer and food. The combination of the garden and the blessing box have been a great addition to our neighborhood as a way to help those in need.
For decades the congregation has sent adult mission crews to serve in Honduras. This has included projects to provide water in villages on the east Coast but primarily in supporting the Moravian Medical Clinic in Ahuas.
Annually middle school and high school students travel to serve in many different places both nationally and internationally. Some of these trips in recent years include:
Since 1732 Moravians have reached beyond their communities to share the love of Jesus in genuine and practical ways. The Sturgeon Bay Moravian Church is engaged in several ongoing efforts of service.
323 S. 5th Ave
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Office Hours: 9am to 2pm / Mon. - Thurs.