323 S. 5th Ave
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
No on likes to think about end of life issues, but it is a reality of life. We, at the Moravian Church, want the service for you or your loved one to be a true celebration of life. We strive to make the memorial service a time to praise God for this life and also a time to reflect on the personal faith journey of the individual. We have attached a link to a planner that will help the pastor make the memorial service a more personal testimony. Complete the form and provide copies for your family, put a copy in a safe place and give a copy to the church to file away for you. For a more complete list of memorial planning information stop in or contact the church office for a copy of the Memorial Planner Booklet.
The following forms are set up for back to back printing to make your reference booklets.
323 S. 5th Ave
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Office Hours: 8 to1 / Mon. - Thurs.